These Awkward Moments would Make Anyone Feel The Cringe
These awkward moments memes or so Relatable they will leave you cringe, and for more post like these check out our funny category
That Awkward moment when your girlfriend little sister has bigger boobs then your girlfriend
That Awkward moment when you don’t realize you’re the third wheel
That Awkward moment when your girlfriend sees your browser history
That Awkward moment when you get in the van and there is no candy
That Awkward moment when you realize that god haven’t been fair with you
That Awkward moment when you’re the only one who cant fit
That Awkward moment when you wave to someone but they don’t wave back
That Awkward moment when the teacher is helping the person next to you
That Awkward moment when watching a movie with parents and it comes to a sex scene
That Awkward moment when you realize that this is brad pit
That Awkward moment when you realize that the person you’re making fun of is right behind you
That Awkward moment when you have to give someone that email address you created at age 11
That Awkward moment when you have bigger boobs than the girl next to you