Selena Gomez’s Mom Teefey gave an interview to Gossip Cop – She was asked about her thoughts of her daughter and Justin being back together .

Teefey cleared up other rumors but she made one thing clear , what she think about her daughter’s rekindle relationship with Justin Beiber .
She said she is not happy with the on and off couple relationship and latest reunion .

“She is 25 years old and knows what is at stake with her health. I do not control her the way it has been portrayed.”
Gossip Cop also asked Teefey if she worried about her daughter’s health now that she’s hanging out with Bieber again.
However she also mention that her daughter is an adult and she make her own decision as long as she is happy and healthy .
Teefey also mention she hasn’t spoken “in years” — not even when Selena went through her kidney transplant this summer.