How to color hair at home with red hair dye

Knowing to how to color hair at home using majirel hair color chart can save you in your pocket. So I colored my friend hair red the other day, she loves the result and I just want to share some tips on how to color hair too . Coloring your hair at home can be easy . I like putting a lot of research into my post so I would not have felt good writing anything . For this post I am focusing on achieving ginger / red, but it can be whatever color you desire.
#1. Most important step in how to color hair is to be sure to, examine your hair, is it damage? What should be done before coloring it. To know more about this read how to Prep hair for color/ bleach with Red Hair Dye.
#2 . Moving on from the preparing stage now examines your hair color and skin tone. Getting the right shade to match your skin tone is also important. Examine your hair will help you to determine the final result , some darker hair people will tend to bleach their hair first (optional) and if you have blond hair you might want to darken your hair a little or color it orange first before dying it red . Now you may begin looking at Loreal Majirel Color charts .

Used the top L’Oreal Majeril color chart to go by when coloring your hair red / copper red / ginger red. First select your natural color from the chart above, and then look for the shade dye you want.
Things you need for the actual know how to color hair at home :
Whatever color you choose, but this is red we are using today .
L’Oreal 30 and 20 volume developer
A mixing bowl
Maybe some help so you don’t miss any part of your hair
Red is one of the easiest colors to fade, so using a shampoo such as Quantum Riveting Reds Color Replenishing Shampoo is great for maintaining the color .
Steps :
1. Mix the color with the developer in the bowl, 1:1 or 1:2 or something similar, read the instruction on the bottle and be sure to mix well.
2. Used Vaseline around your hairline and ears and then put on your gloves
3. Start applying the mix to the middle of your hair say 1-2 inch away from your scalp downward. You don’t want to start at the roots because the heat from your scalp will make your roots take the color faster and you end up with roots looking too much brighter than the ends .
4. Be sure to cover your head with all the mix
5. Now let sit to the time recommended that is 30 minutes are to your desired time
6. When time is up, rinse with cool water
7. Used deep conditioner or a hair mask
8. Let your hair, air dry
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