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Ariana Grande Best Photos and Some Facts

When was Ariana Grande born?

Ariana’s birthday is 26 June 1993


What star sign is Ariana Grande?

Ariana’s zodiac sign is cancer

Cancers also love water, which may explain why she’s chilling in a big colourful bath in the God is a Woman video.

Is Ariana Grande a vegan?

Although the Sweetener songstress didn’t eat much meat to begin with, she revealed in 2013 that she had gone fully vegan.

Where is Ariana Grande from?

Boca Raton in Florida is where Ariana was born.

She confirmed on Twitter where her family are actually from, though, answering a fan, ‘No, I’m actually Italian! Part Abruzzo and part Sicilian.’


What was Ariana Grande’s first acting and singing role?

Many people remember Ariana as Cat Valentine in Victorious and Sam & Cat.

This was her first major role, but she had performed in a number of theatre productions in her native Florida, even singing the national anthem at big sporting events.


How tall is Ariana Grande?

Tiny Ariana is only 5ft tall

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