in Lifestyle
8 Things every Father should teach their son
# 5. Enrich the child experience with new sensations
Everything starts when he is just a baby, even as a 6 months old he can feel the difference between the male and female manifestation of love. But unlike the mother’s love, that’s soft and claim a Father Prefers Active Games with a masculine Character, such as tossing and spinning.
Moms usually do this with kindness and words, this way the child receives an abundance of visual, Auditory and tactile sensation.
#6 Teach him male Tricks
There are such things that men do that looks like magic to woman, examples starting a fire, hammering a nail and repairing a car. Even if the child is 100% urban there is no douth that the ability to start a fire will come in handy for him in the future. at least for starting a grill. but in any company, the skills mentioned above will help boost is popularity.