8 Secret Fears Most Man has but Never talk about.
Most people will act like men have no fear because they of to put on this show that they are so hard and fearless. But in truth man have fears just like a woman and here 10 Secret Fears Most Man has but Never talk about.
#1. How many partners a girl had before him

A little competition isn’t all ways bad but when it comes to their partners having more experience in the bedroom then they do, its a different story. Men often fear this because they feel they will of to compete with their partners Ex, and also fear that they will not measure up. it’s your job to comfort him and let him know that the past is the past and he doesn’t have to worry.
Money is one of the biggest fear for most men because they are bought up to be breadwinners, yes men are thought from a young age that its there jobs to take care of there families, so its no wonder why this is a big fear for men, and most man will prefer to stay out of a relationship while they get their financial life together.
#3. Little experience in Bedroom

Everyone thinks that a man should be the Experience one in the bedroom and it can be very scary to think that you will fail are not measure up to your Lovers expectations but in truth lot of man are inexperienced and this is a major fear for them.
#4. Height

One of the Main Features of the Ideal man is Height, so course this is something that most men fear because it is global Knowledge that men should always b taller than his girlfriend, so some men will even go for shorter girls to help in the success of not getting rejected.
#5. Other men

Now you may be asking your self why would a man fear another man but its simple, They view other men has a threat, A men’s jealousy is not usually as obvious as women’s, but men do compete with other men and they do fear that other men will take you away from him.
#6. How they look

Yes, Guys do Worry about how there look, they might not wear makeup and lipstick but why do you think they spend all that time at the gym when they could be snuggled up with a beer, watching the game with there friends.
#7. Hair

Hair has always been a big problem for men, do I look manly enough, are do I look like that greasy Carpet from Walmart. And being bald is often the worst thing that can happen because no one wants to lose that head of hair on there head.
#8. Open expression of emotions

Men have been though that crying makes them weak and if they cry they are not a man, so for a man expressing there Emotions is a no because no one wants to feel weak and less then what they are, so men often hide their emotions and keep it bottled inside.