1. Do not sacrifice personal life
Not in the sense that “continue to go on having dates with someone else” – this kind of freedom is difficult to combine with serious intentions. You can blaze for each other with sincere passion, but this does not mean that the rest of your life should be dissolved in selfless adoration. Do not forget your friends and relatives and do not refuse evening yoga sessions, regular visits to spa salons, and Sunday breakfast with your sister. Protect independence, do not drown your personality in love, and do not think that you are now bound to someone else and can’t follow your dreams in life anymore.
2. Be honest with your feelings
Tell yourself the truth and only the truth: are you really happy? Are you satisfied physically, emotionally, morally? Yes, this is not easy – the female nature is prone to sacrificial compromises, but these three points are crucial. If you are connected only by breathtaking sex; sooner or later the problems will arise. On the other hand, if you seem to get along just fine, but your sex is very lackluster and doesn’t bring you any pleasure – it will bring some issues down the line. Or are you comfortable with both mind and physiology of a person, but he avoids talking about love and has never even given you even a single tiny flower? Obviously, this will soon cease to suit you too. The secret of strong reciprocity is in a strong and natural connection on all points; so make sure that everything is true in your relationship, or at least it’s somewhere near that state. If you are facing some major issues at the start of your relationship, don’t forget that you can always leave and move on with your life.
3. Do not pursue your partner or be jealous
Sure, we have to make one thing very clear. Cheating is not a myth, and it is a thing that can happen to you. That being said, being suspicious and causing yourself and your partner pain will only make your relationship more fragile, and it will alienate your partner. Thus, you should be more open; you should trust your partner. Don’t treat some casual chatting for a full-on serious online dating conversation. The more you love them and the more love they get from you, the less likely it is that they are going to cheat on you.
4. Love yourself and take care of yourself
Many women complain that they either can’t find a suitable partner or always attract candidates that are not right for them. The reason is low self-esteem: we attract the level of love that we feel for ourselves. It is impossible to burn yourself daily with napalm of self-criticism and expect others to treat you like a queen.
Look at your qualities in a positive way and start loving yourself as you are right now. And if you love yourself, then take care of yourself – protect your health, go to bed on time, and allow yourself a relaxing bath with bubbles or maybe a spontaneous bachelorette party tonight. It is very important to pamper yourself, nourishing the soul outside the relationship; otherwise, you will have nothing to give both yourself and your partner.
5. Do not seek to please your partner and adapt yourself to their wishes
The desire to please is based on the expectation of positive feedback: love, kindness, gratitude. However, the world is unjustifiably generous with negativity, and people will be happy to use you. A relationship is a two-way street, but you should love yourself just as much as you love your partner. Strive for a healthy balance of commitment and selfishness. I am not one of those who are waiting for the perfect man, but I truly believe that each of us can count on a great man or two in our lives.