Ten Things You didn’t know About Hailie Jade.

#1. Hailie Jade Is the daughter of rapper, Eminem, and Kimberly Anne Scott.
Hallie Jade is the Daughter of big-time rapper Eminem who is known true out the music industry.
#2. She was the topic of Eminem hit song “Mockingbird” with was released in 2004.
#3. Hallie was born on December 25, 1995, and is now 22 years old.
This is one hot 22 years old but rumors have it that she has a boyfriend so you’re out of luck. but follow her Instagram aways.
#4. She’s a Capricorn
Capricorn Woman, make some of the best partners and lovers, plus they are willing to try new things for new experiences.
#5. She was homecoming queen
It’snot unusual to see Celebrity kids get fame because of there parents but most of her achievements are her own.
#6. She’s mentioned in 22 songs total
she is daddies little girl so no wonder why she is mention in a total of 22 songs, and she also helped to write a few of them.
#7. Her parents got married twice.
Eminem most had truly loved her mother because even with her bad habits he still married Kimberly twice.
#8. She has 2 sisters
even though we haven’t heard much about them Hallie Jade isn’t the only child of Eminem and Kimberly, there is also Whitney Scott Mathers and Alaina Marie Mathers.
#9. She has a puppy named Lottie
#10. She has nearly a million followers on Instagram
She has nearly a million followers on Instagram so be sure to follower her and help her get to the million mark.
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